What is a call number?


A call number is a unique code given to an item that allows library users to locate the book within the library. On the spine of the book or DVD, you will see a label with the call number listed. It may look like this:


Using the example above, here is a breakdown of how you can read the call number to find the item in the LLC:
GENERAL On a call number, you will first read the collection/location the item is located in. If it says GENERAL, then the book is located in the General collection. If it reads REFERENCE, then the book will be located in the Reference Room.


The next part of the call number will consist of two letters. The first letter refers to the general subject of the item, e.g. H = Social Science. The second letter further narrows in on the subject area. HM = Sociology (General). For more information on the Library of Congress Call Number Classification, see this link: https://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/lcco/

To find your call number, you will use the first letter to find the area you need in the Library. Books are shelved alphabetically based on the first letter listed, so you will follow the alphabet until you reach the section with your first letter. Then you will use the second letter to find your book. If you have found the H section, you will then see H, HA, HB, HC...until you reach HM.

621 Once you have found the location of the letters listed above, you will use the numbers listed after the letters to find your book. The books in the HM section will now be listed chronologically based on the number you see. For example, books will be shelved: HM 1, HM 2, HM 3...HM 99, HM 100, HM 101...HM 600, HM 601...HM 620, HM 621.
.G735 After you have found the HM 621 section, you will now use the first letter listed to find your book. You may see HM 621 .A, HM 621 .B, HM 621 .C... follow the books until you find HM 621 .G. When you have found HM 621 .G, you will now use the numbers again to find your book. You will use the same process as you used to find the previous number section.
2021 This part of the call number just refers to the publication/copyright date. If you are looking for a specific edition of the item you are searching for, you may need to use this to see which item was published most recently.
  • Last Updated Jan 16, 2024
  • Views 9
  • Answered By Kiersten Bradley

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